Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SA, Tuesday

16 Nov 2009

7:30am to 1:30

Day 2

Another amazing day at Mzamowethu public school.
The ministry and medical teams have really stepped up to the plate. I believe that all of us have had spiritual, heart filled moments with the children and have developed an unreal bond. Experiences that we all have had will be cherished for a life time.

Several of us were able to walk through the community today prior to leaving for "Catch" in the afternoon. Most of the residence seemed open and pleased about our presence and appreciative to our being in the school and their community. While others just closed the door and waited for our passing.

Our medical team, headed up by Ana Alverez, have just really gone above and beyond anyone expectations. Beside sleep deprivation, spirits are high and no one is being turned away from medical treatment. I believe that approximately 300 students have been treated in the past 2 days. Can you say wow. And that's not counting the children that are being seen in the afternoon at Catch. Hats off to the medical team.

1:30pm to 3:00pm, leave Mzamowethu and travel to Catch.

At Catch today we hosted the boys party. Theme was aviation. The program was lead in by scripture, Isaiah 40:28-31, and a short recap of the salvation beads. After our discussion, the boys assembled toy airplanes and allowed to go outside and be boys. As they say, boys will be boys, and this time was no exception. Their faces of pure joy, excitement, smiles and appreciation were priceless.

Again the medical team treated children at Catch. I'm unsure of the number of children that were seen this afternoon, but I am certain of this, they are growing day by day. Again, wow..........

South Africa time 11:15pm............. good night, we'll blog tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. Praying for everyone on the team.
    Margaret P
